Choosing the Right Point of Sale System for Your Museum:...
Running a museum or arts organization goes beyond curating exhibits or hosting sold-out...
HubSpot for Museums: How HubSpot Stacks Up Against the...
Running a museum’s marketing operations, event creation and management is no small feat—the...
The Connecticut Project Action Fund Case Study
Case Study The Connecticut Project Action Fund Teams with Nonprofit Tech Shop to Promote Economic...
Minnesota Historical Society Case Study
Case Study The Big Switch: How Nonprofit Tech Shop Transformed the Minnesota Historical Society’s...
From NPSP to Nonprofit Cloud: What Salesforce’s Shift Means...
If your organization has been using the Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP), you’ve likely heard the...
HubSpot for Nonprofits: Donor Engagement Features That...
There’s a common misconception that HubSpot—one of the most powerful customer relationship...
How HubSpot Elevates Your Museum’s Donor Engagement Strategy
It’s no secret that museums today are facing a new landscape in donor engagement and...
Breaking Down CRM Myths: Why Your Nonprofit Needs a...
The nonprofit world is full of well-meaning advice about tech: “Just use this tool for donor...
4 Ways HubSpot's New AI Tools Can Elevate Nonprofit...
After INBOUND 2024, you may have seen HubSpot’s latest update, Breeze AI, making waves across...